Things I’ve learned about myself

I am not one to do things “just because.”  My mind is busy, and there is always a motive for my actions, even if it is buried deep in my mind and makes no sense to others (aka Matt) or even myself.  Random, but something I’ve seen evidence of a lot lately. 

I could never be a workaholic.  I worked 20 hours of overtime last week between an extra shift and a computer training I had to go to, and I am still recovering.  The money is nice, but my feet hurt and I don’t like how it turns a job I usually enjoy into something I dread.  Also, being around work more means I see more people and hear more work gossip and become more frustrated with the work drama, which has been at an all-time high lately.  I have learned to walk away/try to change the subject, but sometimes it is just exhausting.  I love my nights off.

I am terrible at sharing news with people!  Well, really what I’m terrible at is making sure I share important news with all the people who should hear it.  I could blame it on being busy or the fact that I just have so many family members and friends to include that I forget who I even told, but that is a cop-out.  I need to be responsible and intentional about these things.  So, for anyone who has not heard…  Matt got a new job!!  He applied last month for a position in another department at TECO, interviewed a couple weeks ago, and was offered the job last week.  He will be working in internal auditing.  It is cool because it was just one of those things that came along at the perfect time.  He took an Auditing 1 class last fall, then Auditing 2 this spring, all a part of his working on a 5th year of accounting classes so he can take the CPA exam.  This job was listed just as he was finishing that class, and he was uniquely qualified for the job, plus the added benefit of being from within the company.  With this job he will get great experience, be more involved with different aspects of the company, and have more opportunities to grow and advance.  Plus, it’s more moolah.  He will be transitioning over to his new department over the next couple weeks, and he is very excited about it.  🙂 

Another piece of news is that Matt got a new truck last weekend.  He is very excited about it.  He traded in the Jetta and got very nearly what we owed on it, and is now the proud owner of a 2007 Ford Explorer SportTrak.  It is black and nice and he loves it so much that when he came home from work the other day he spent 10 minutes washing off “all the bird poop!” from the hood before he even came inside after work. 

Also, more news…  This little cutie is here to visit:

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I sure do love getting to see my babies!!

I totally get my motivation from having goals/plans.  My running has gone downhill lately, and I think it is mostly because I don’t have a current race/goal that I am training for.  The smothering heat and humidity are also part of the problem, but mostly it’s the goal thing.  I have decided my next goal is just to work up to doing a speedy 5K, but I have yet to sign up for a specific race.  Summer is definitely not race season here, so I am thinking maybe an early fall race.  Details to come once I decide.

I leave you with some pics of the pretty flowers popping up around the yard lately.

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And my mixed herb garden which has turned into a basil garden.

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Is it really almost August already!?

About Jayce

I am a lover of Jesus, a newlywed, part of a crazy sisterhood of 4, aunt to 10 fabulous kids, a Registered Nurse, a work in progress, and an amateur cook/baker! I was born and raised in Florida, and I am loving it still. My husband, Matt, and I bought our first house last year and are enjoying making it into a home. I work nights in the ICU for now, and we are making the most of this life. :)
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